The Challenges
Comcast was having difficulty ensuring customers were available for scheduled service visits. While customers were engaging with Comcast’s customer service representatives and requesting repair appointments, they were not present to allow access to their home when field technicians arrived for the scheduled appointments. In the central U.S. region, Comcast reported experiencing around 100,000 “not home occurrences” per month. This reduced overall customer satisfaction, as it hindered direct communication between customers and field technicians. It also negatively impacted the field technicians and their ability to work effectively. Additionally, repeat customer visits are costly.Strong customer service is of utmost importance to Comcast. Not only does it eliminate costly unstandardized and manual processes that hurt both the customers and Comcast staff, but it also ensures that customers receive a seamless standardized experience. To adhere to their mission of strong customer service, Comcast needed to identify a way to improve customer communication.